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We Are Open For The Season OPEN EVERYDAY, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM - Stop in and Browse our Gift Shop and Plant Collections or Shop for House Plants and Patio Plants shipped to you
We Are Open For The Season OPEN EVERYDAY, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM - Stop in and Browse our Gift Shop and Plant Collections or Shop for House Plants and Patio Plants shipped to you
David Austin Roses

David Austin Roses

English Roses

David Austin has spent the last sixty years developing his award-winning English Roses. Combining the delicate charm and wonderful fragrances of the Old Roses with the wider color range and repeat-flowering nature of modern roses, they are hard to beat for sheer exuberance of flower and scent. As a group, they are renowned for their outstanding health, reliability and vigour. Their graceful, shrubby habits make them ideal for mixed borders, planting in large containers or creating any kind of rose garden. Many varieties can also be trained as climbers or used to create fragrant, floriferous hedges.


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