House Plants Shipped
Explore the diverse collection of healthy and unique house plants. A house plant is any plant adapted for growing indoors.
Not only do indoor houseplants make for beautiful home décor, they may also boost your health and well-being.
Improve air quality. There are many things in our homes that create air pollution – cleaning products, paint, mold and mildew. Plants also replace carbon dioxide with fresh oxygen.
Reduce stress. A 2015 study found that caring for indoor plants reduced psychological and physiological stress in study participants.
Improve your sense of well-being. A Scandinavian study found that exposure to indoor plants improved feelings of well-being
Support cognitive health. A Rutgers study found that people with dementia showed improved short-term memory after a session in a Japanese garden
Improve environmental wellness. Our environment has a major impact on our overall wellness.
A symbiotic relationship. One of the best things about caring for indoor plants is the beautiful exchange that happens: Plants depend on us for care and in turn, they take care of us by improving the air we breathe and making our space more beautiful.
Orchid 'White Phalaenopsis'
Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis amabilis Common Names: Moon Orchid, Moth Orchid, The Lovely Phalaenopsis Description: Phalaenopsis, sometimes refer...
View full detailsOrchid 'Yellow Phalaenopsis'
Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis amabilis Common Names: Moon Orchid, Moth Orchid, The Lovely Phalaenopsis Description: Phalaenopsis, sometimes refer...
View full detailsOyster Plant 'Moses in the Cradle'
Botanical Name: Tradescantia spathacea Common Names: Oyster Plant, boatlily, Moses-in-the-cradle Description: This ornamental plant is nativ...
View full detailsPachypodium 'lamerei' (Madagascar Palm)
Botanical Name: Pachypodium 'lamerei' Common Names: Madagascar Palm Description: This striking houseplant hails from Madagascar and because i...
View full detailsPalm Ponytail
Botanical Name: Beaucarnea recurvata Common Names: Ponytail Palm Description: The ponytail palm is an evergreen perennial native to Eastern M...
View full detailsParlor Palm
Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans Common Names: Parlor palm, Neanthe bella palm Description: The parlor palm is a palm tree native to South...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Burbella'
Botanical Name: Peperomia caperata 'Burbella' Common Names: Peperomia Burbella, Radiator plant Description: Peperomia Burbella is botanically ...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Frost'
Botanical Name: Peperomia griseoargentea Common Names: Ivy Peperomia, Silver Leaf Peperomia, Ivy Leaf Peperomia Description: The Peperomia i...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Ginny'
Botanical Name: Peperomia clusiifolia Common Names: Ginny Description: The Ginny is compact tropical plant variegated oval-shaped leaves wit...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Green Bean'
Botanical Name: Peperomia ferreyrae Common Names: Green Bean, pincushion peperomia Description: This succulent like epiphyte would not appear...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Hope'
Botanical Name: Peperomia tetraphylla 'Hope' Common Names: Hoya Hope Description: Peperomia Hope is a lovely hybrid cultivar belonging to the...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Marble'
Botanical Name: Peperomia Common Names: Marble Peperomia, Radiator Plant Description: The Peperomia is a perennial epiphyte native to the tr...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Metallica'
Botanical Name: Peperomia Metallica Common Names: Metallic Peperomia Description:Peperomia ‘Metallica’ is an evergreen succulent plant feat...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Napoli Nights' - 4" Pot
Botanical Name: Peperomia caperata Common Name(s): Napoli Nights, Radiator Plant Description: This stout Hybrid plant is a cross betwee...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Raindrop'
Botanical Name: Peperomia polybotrya Common Names: Peperomia Raindrop, coin plant, coin-leaf peperomia Description: The Raindrop Peperomia, sc...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Ripple Red'
Botanical Name: Peperomia Common Names: Peperomia, Radiator Plant Description: The Peperomia is a perennial epiphyte native to the tropical re...
View full detailsPeperomia 'Ripple'
Botanical Name: Peperomia caperata Common Names: Emerald Ripple Pepper, Ripple Peperomia, Caperata Ripple Description: Ripple Peperomia is a t...
View full detailsPeperomia Prostrata 'String of Turtles'
Botanical Name: Peperomia Prostrata Common Name(s): String of Turtles Description: This tiny little Brazilian native succulent that thrives...
View full detailsPeperomia Thailand
Botanical Name: Peperomia Common Names: Peperomia, Radiator Plant Description: Peperomia is a perennial epiphyte native to the tropical regio...
View full detailsPeperomia Watermelon
Botanical Name: Peperomia argyreia Common Name(s): Watermelon Peperomia, Watermelon Begonia, Description: Native to northern South America...
View full detailsPet Friendly Variety Bundle
Our Pet-Friendly house plant bundle comes with easy to care for and trendy houseplants from our best selling collection. Perfect for homes with fur...
View full detailsPhilodendron 'Billietiae'
Botanical Name: Philodendron billietiae Common Names: Philidor, Billie Description: Philodendron billietiae is a very popular and highly soug...
View full detailsPhilodendron 'Birkin'
Botanical Name: Philodendron Common Names: Birkin Description: Exhibits a stunning variety that develops pure white pinstripes on its foliage...
View full detailsPhilodendron 'Brandi'
Botanical Name: Philodendron brandtianum Common Names: Brandi, Silver Leaf Description: Philodendron brandtianum, the Silver Leaf Philodendro...
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