Flowering Lawn - Flawn Seed Kits (Micro Clover, Dutch White Clover, Crimson Clover) - In Store Pickup Only
What is a Flawn?
A Flawn or flowering lawn is simply a normal grass lawn with low growing wildflowers added to it. You can seed in spring, summer, fall, or even in winter over a fresh snowfall. The different varieties of wildflowers in Flawn Seed Kits will grow in with your grass over the next 6-24 months to create a ratio of about half grass and half low-growing wildflowers.
When can I expect flowers?
The amount of time it takes for the different varieties of Flawn Seeds to flower will depend on a few things. Certain varieties like Crimson Clover or Dutch White Clover may flower within one growing season. Other factors such as climate, soil, moisture, and light conditions will have effects on how long it is before you see flowers. Most varieties will bloom more in sunny areas.
How does a Flawn save me money?
The white clover included in all Flawn Seed Kits provides nitrogen (what’s in fertilizer) for the other plants like the grass and other flowers. This reduces the need to add any additional fertilizer that a grass lawn normally requires each year. By adding broadleaf flowers to a grass lawn, you shade and cool the soil surface reducing the need for irrigation almost completely. Also, by adding low growing wildflowers to your lawn and not fertilizing you reduce the growth rate of the grass resulting in much less need for mowing throughout the year.
Will a Flawn grow in shade?
Flawn Seed Kits are designed to grow in full sun to shade. Dutch White Clover and Micro Clover tolerate shade the best out of the varieties in the Flawn Seed Kits.
Does it matter what type of soil I have?
Flawn Seed Kits are designed to grow in most any soil type of from sandy to silty to loamy and even in clay! These little wildflowers are tough. If you have poor soil and want to improve it we recommend incorporating compost into the topsoil layer at the time of seeding to act as a soil enhancer and starter fertilizer for your Flawn.
What if my soil is acidic or alkaline?
Most likely it will not be a problem. The varieties included in the Flawn Seed Kits are tolerant of acidic soils and will grow just fine in alkaline soils as well. If you want to create the best soil environment for your grass to grow in though you should have your soil tested for pH and organic matter percentage and add amendments to adjust the pH to 6.5-7 and the organic matter to 3-5%.
How do I install a Flawn?
It’s super easy. If it’s spring summer or fall, simply mow your lawn as short as possible, lightly rake to loosen the soil, then spread Flawn Seed throughout your lawn.
How do I maintain my Flawn?
Watering: It is very important to water regularly during the first few weeks if it doesn't rain and if a drought occurs in the first season. Once established, a Flawn only needs to be watered during extended dry periods and droughts.
Mowing: It is best to continue mowing at 2.5-3.5" for the first season to allow the Flawn Seeds to germinate and grow in. Once established, it is up to you what height you keep your Flawn (be sure to check local ordinances for height restrictions). Once your Flawn is fully established it is recommended to let it grow up to 6" and then mow it to 4" which will have you mowing about every 3-4 weeks and about 6-10 times per year. Mowing on the highest setting is recommended at least a few times per year to prevent any one variety from overtaking the others.
Fertilizer and Weed Killers: No starter fertilizer or subsequent fertilizing is required to grow a successful Flawn. If you have extremely sandy soil or heavy clay soil you could add compost (granulated is easiest) at the time of seeding to improve the growing conditions for the grass but it is not required. Do not apply any weed killers as they would kill the Flawn species.